How this BS came to be…

If I remember correctly, I started getting bad heartburn in October.  I’m a big believer in watching what types of foods you eat and then how your body reacts.  I thought since I was traveling, not working out and then the holidays came up it was all because of my lifestyle.  I started off the New Year with a juice cleanse, then cut wheat and dairy from my diet.  I am fairly certain that I had the flu right at the New Year and then thought that it was just lingering.  Soon after food started sounding icky, followed by weight loss, followed by fatigue.  I mean yes, my skinny jeans fit, but I was too tired to care.  Looking back at it now, I don’t think I knew how terrible I really felt.

 Then February 10 came.  Holy shit.
After a weekend of staying in bed, on Monday morning I felt so bad I started crying and then throwing up.  My husband said, “I’m canceling my schedule and we are going to the hospital.”  Thank goodness he did.  Even on the way there I called my bonus mom (who happens to be an RN) to ask her if I was over-reacting.  She said absolutely not.  One test lead to another, and to another. During the tests, we let two of our very good friends–I’ll call them my Medical Loved Ones, or MLOs–know I was in the ER.  After the last test came back my ER doc told me that I have liver cancer.  Just a few minutes later my MLO came into my room and said that we needed further tests.  I underwent a biopsy the next day, and on Wednesday got the results that I have a rare type of cancer called Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (PNT) and it has spread to my liver.  I have started some tests that should give us a good idea as to how many tumors I’m dealing with and if it has spread any further.
Remember how I told you not to Google anything about pancreatic cancer?  It’s because I did it already and then couldn’t sleep the rest of the night.  The bright side is that at this point, I understand that PNT appears to be treatable, and I might not have to undergo chemotherapy–at least not at this point.
I started two very simple medications; one to help with the heartburn and one to help with the nausea.  In all honesty after getting those two symptoms under control I feel SO much better.  I’ve been able to eat, and that’s given me energy.  I feel like the old me again.
I find myself being very careful as to what I say as this road will have many twists and turns and what I write today might be contradicted tomorrow.  But the truth of the matter is if you are reading this you more than likely know me and I am being honest.
I hope this is one of the most serious posts that I write, but I am trying to give you as many facts as I can.  I promise the rest will have more humor.  Can we start talking about medical marijuana  yet?  I mean I didn’t like it in high school, and I am tired and hungry already, but this might give it a whole new appeal!

17 thoughts on “How this BS came to be…

  1. As you do with everything situation life throws your way, you have a gift of making the best out if every situation with your humor and positive attitude. You are a true inspiration and are loved by so many! I do know even the strongest have weak moments, so know when to turn to those that love you, and if you don’t, I am sure we will ALL be there whether you want us or not! ~Hugs!!

  2. Sounds like you were surrounded by a wonderful team of medical professionals that love you and caught this early!! Sooo important to trust your instincts when you know something is wrong… A good lesson for us tough gals that are too busy or not sure if our symptoms are bad enough to go to the ER! Glad you are back to feeling better 💜

  3. Lori love your spirt and spunk .. I have read a lot about the big c and a few things I’ve read about it is a lot of cancers come from the way we eat.. Some wise words are cancer can not survive if we keep our bodies in a alkaline state rather than acidic state.. How to do that is to eat fruits and vegetables .. No sugars and no flour foods as cancer thrives on sugar.. Drinking a lot of lemon water also helps to keep the body alkaline.. Thought I would share ..

  4. YES!!!! Now you can smoke pot legally… LMAO… Love the humor. I know you will kick this in the ass girlfriend. As you say, there will be many twists and turns in this journey, but we are all here to guide you, cry with you, laugh with you ( and at you) and support you. Praying!!!! Love you!

  5. Lori! I am shocked and I wish I had great words of wisdom for you but I just don’t. All I can tell you is that Dan and I are completely pulling for you, and we want to do what ever we can to offer support. I effing hate cancer.

    I hope you are feeling better today, and I will be following your blog closely. Lot’s of love- Sarah Baker

  6. I’ll be the first to say that I don’t think any of us would hold you to anything, we will simply take it in as it comes and rock the ebbs and flows with you. Dude, seriously – you are one tough chick and you DO have the best attitude! Yeah okay so C is a downer and that’s okay to admit, it is what it is but you are the sunshine in this dark cloud! I ♥ you and I am sooo glad Brandon took you to the ER! Praying daily my friend.. maybe even more than once!

  7. It is amazing/scary how fast did everything happen. I am happy that you are in good hands, Looks like you have great doctors, they gave you all the results so fast! Keep that positive attitude! Marta 🙂

  8. Hi my love, as I was reading the water flowed to my eyes, and my heart dropped. As I continued to read your words I felt your strenght of not allowing this to over come you, but you coming it. You have such a beautiful heart, and are not one to give up. Your presence brings a smile to everyone around you, and we are here to bring that smile right back to you. You are LOVED far and near, and are not alone. I, we all will pray for you, and support you in any way possible. Dana, said it best!!!! I, we LOVE YOU LORI….💙💜💚💛

  9. I know someone who makes great brownies:-) I mean I have never Tried them because clearly that’s not what nurses do( hahahaha) but I’ll have $@&$@ make you a special batch:-) xoxo

  10. Love your strength and your spirit! This is so you……helping all of us to be strong for and with you! Just remember, when you can’t be strong you have all of us to do it for you! Thinking of you all the time and sending love and positive energy! Love you so much, Auntie Kay

  11. Lori
    Your smile and your heart have always shone brightly. You are an inspiration to everyone. You have touched many lives and planted many seeds of love and support along the way. I truly thank God every day for your friendship and for all the support you have given me through the hardest times of my life. You took over with my boys and did what had to be done and more. I and they will forever be grateful to you for being a true friend and such a wonderful person. Your positive attitude will make all the difference in this journey. Though there are miles between us, please know that you are in my every prayer, every hour, every day! I’ll love you for ever, I’ll like you for always,

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